Encara no tenim significats per a "poor connection".
1You have to excuse the poor connection, as I'm halfway around the world-inChina!
2Nyberg answered, but it was a poor connection.
3I prayed to God and asked for mercy, but felt that I had a poor connection!
4How does the poor connection affect your ability to use the internet, for personal or business reasons?
5Poor connections may be more noticeable on the iPad's bigger screen.
6The Scot had overlooked his poor connections.
7Then, too, there were many poor connections of the Delcasar family who would profit by his death.
8He must do something for his sister Jane, for his brother William, for his wife's poor connections.
9The Santa Fe had now reached the Pacific coast over its own lines, but it was handicapped by poor connections with the East.
10"Hey, Larry, it's me," I said, voice raised, as if to compensate for a poor connection.
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