1Cadorna turned to his deputy: 'Why doesn't someone shoot them?' Porro shrugged.
2The result is a very restful space that features furniture by Porro Contract.
3And where were the sons of Porro; I may say my own sons?
4When Porro tried to speak, Foch told him to shut up.
5Badoglio became a trusted and effective deputy, not a stuffed shirt as General Porro had been.
6But, when the building fronts the south, the interval is often very great, as in the case of the Villa Porro.
7The Italians, represented by Cadorna's feckless deputy, General Carlo Porro, were left in no doubt that their front was a sideshow.
8Arnold refers here, and in his subsequent chapter title, Porro Unum est Necessarium, to Luke 10:42.
9Each one had his meed, even my Hans, to whom she cried: Keep thy bride out of Porro's way, Master Haller.
10"Then choose thee another shape," quoth the Queen, "for I fear lest the bees should take thee for a stinging wasp, Porro."