Encara no tenim significats per a "pretend ignorance".
1Paul understood him very well, but thought it better to pretend ignorance.
2Some stubborn spirit of opposition, however, prompted him to pretend ignorance.
3He could not pretend ignorance concerning the identity of the chalice!
4But it was her cue to pretend ignorance in order to impose on Fanchon.
5The young king was to pretend ignorance of the betrayal.
6She didn't pretend ignorance, didn't try to disguise her anxiety.
7This the old chieftain knew full well, but he chose, for the moment, to pretend ignorance.
8I cannot pretend ignorance as to the cause of your coming- asad ,badmatter for us all.
9Now don't pretend ignorance of her name.
10But then why did she pretend ignorance?
11She didn't try to pretend ignorance, but considered, then asked, "And if you}do}try to seduce me?"
12And again, he couldn't pretend ignorance.
13Hereafter, you can't pretend ignorance.
14Although no journalist can pretend ignorance of its attractions, when tempted I prefer to think of it as social research.
15Rhonda didn't pretend ignorance.
16You will not, I trust, pretend ignorance of my meaning, and cause me the pain of having to be more explicit!
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Pretend ignorance a través del temps
Pretend ignorance per variant geogràfica