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1Brian Atwood's Bridal Debut Brian Atwood is our true prince charming.
2Was the princess beautiful in lace and was the prince charming?
3Who would imagine Cinderella in a lavish castle without her prince charming to share it all with?
4Jane was determined to keep distant from the couple and have a little alone time with prince charming.
5The rakish males battle it out for a chaste female, who sits around choosing the prince charming to father her young.
6From the time we're little girls into young adults, we're encouraged to find our prince charming and never let him go.
7Meanwhile, the girl's prince charming didn't carry her away on his white steed, but rather in his black Model A Ford.
8Ha, you'll be the prince charming in all this, riding out of the desert with the missing diplomat's daughter riding pillion behind you.
9And, although the newly single actress was open to finding new love, she never expected to be set up with a real-life prince charming.
10She was marrying Prince Charming; her entire future was ahead of her.
11But no Prince Charming has ever lived out of a fairy tale.
12I sit silent, thinking of my Prince Charming, with many vague conjectures.
13I wait for Prince Charming, and- amancomes, dressed as a groom.
14Asleep, he looks like a bleeding Prince Charming chained in the dungeon.
15But I tell you this, Nannie, that Prince Charming will never come.
16It's normal to kiss a few frogs before you land Prince Charming.
Translations for prince charming