Encara no tenim significats per a "princely houses".
1Our princely houses are as old as our monasteries, our cities, and our cathedrals.
2Nevertheless, his guests were all noble; some of them representatives of princely houses or powerful kingdoms.
3Our princely houses he esteems as dead wood.
4A certain liberty was always granted to Pasquale; Italian servants are members of the family, even in princely houses.
5The author of the "Maximes" was the head of one of the great princely houses of France.
6By the marriage of his half-sisters he was brought into connexion with the chief royal and princely houses of France and Germany.
7His wife and daughter were courted by the highest nobility, and their alliance sought by the heirs of ducal and princely houses.
8It is an art with no demand nowadays, where there are no princely houses, no great fortunes, no entailed mansions, no hereditary estates.
9With the education of the children of two princely houses in North Italy institutions were connected which may be called unique of their kind.
10Our princely Houses have.
11"One for each of the princely houses." With a mocking smile, he vanished.
12"You are brave my Wilhelm," he said, "but I am confirmed in my opinion that some of our princely houses have become tainted.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Princely houses a través del temps
Princely houses per variant geogràfica