Encara no tenim significats per a "print matter".
1We absolutely fail to understand the motive which induced the Piedmontese journal to print matter so calculated to confuse public opinion.
2They took the printed matter along with the new cottage, I reckon.
3Any printed matter he chose to send her would be uninterfered with.
4The columns of printed matter are the windows of his soul.
5The computer, CD-Rom and Internet would, we were told, make printed matter redundant.
6They rely increasingly on printed matter, radio, communication at a distance.
7The government had a Turkish or Russian fear of printed matter.
8They consider that this gives their circulars a preference over ordinary printed matter.
9Any one who tries to understand such printed matter is headed for Bloomingdale.
10He took out, one after another, six sheets of nicely- printed matter.
11The system carries fifty thousand pounds of printed matter a week whan the Gen'l.
12The careful dissemination of printed matter tended to sustain the interest of country societies.
13Families now are swamped by the printed matter that comes daily upon the center-table.
14The censorship was exercised on printed matter only and did not extend to manuscripts.
15Behind such a rampart of printed matter he is well defended against profane curiosity.
16We must have printed matter to give to those who make application for information.