The use of pre-ECMO pronepositioning and neuromuscular blockers also increased during the same period.
However, there is limited evidence about which patients would gain most survival benefit from pronepositioning.
Functional residual capacity was unchanged by pronepositioning.
Conclusions: During mechanical ventilation, lung reinflation and recruitment by the pronepositioning were primarily localized in the dorso-caudal lung.
After pronepositioning, cephalocaudal inflation gradient was reduced, and gas and tissue proportions became more uniform along cephalocaudal axis.
This article aims to review all ocular complications associated with pronepositioning, with a focus on challenges posed by COVID-19.
To more effectively administer advanced ARDS therapies, such as pronepositioning, better approaches for ARDS recognition will also be required.
Introduction: The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 brought to the fore pronepositioning as treatment for patients with acute respiratory failure.
Adjunctive therapies in ARDS include a conservative fluid management strategy, as well as neuromuscular blockade and pronepositioning in moderate-to-severe disease.
Supervised pronepositioning while the infant is awake, avoiding excessive use of carriers, and upright positioning while awake are also recommended.
Conclusion: In acute lung injury, pronepositioning induced more uniform distribution of gas and tissue along cephalocaudal axis by reducing cephalocaudal inflation gradient.
The improvement in oxygenation after the first pronepositioning was a significant predictor of survival in patients with moderate-to-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome.
A total of 116 patients receiving pronepositioning were included, of whom 45 (38.8%) were ICU survivors.
No major trial evaluating pronepositioning for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has incorporated a high-positive end-expiratory pressure (high-PEEP) strategy despite complementary physiological rationales.
The SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to a surge in critical care capacity and pronepositioning practices which may increase the risk of ocular complications.