A proportionateshare of abuse is, of course, bestowed on your nation.
Is it political intolerance to claim a proportionateshare in the direction of the public affairs?
Each minstrel was compelled to pay his proportionateshare of the amount due for rent and lights.
Mr Lenihan also announced that Government and Oireachtas would accept a proportionateshare of the burden of economic adjustment.
The circumstances on which the proportionateshare of each country more remotely depends, admit only of a very general indication.
Sundry other minor dukes and princes were engaged in the plot, who were also to receive a proportionateshare of the spoil.
All the members of a tribe or family had an equal right to their proportionateshare of the land occupied by the whole.
On the other hand, let a corporation take its artisans into its confidence, give each a small proportionateshare in the annual earnings.
The best boys of the strongest families would win far more than their proportionateshare of success even if there were no colleges.
The total amounts to be raised are equitably divided among the several towns and cities, so that each town pays its proportionateshare.
The agreement gives Rio Tinto the right to nominate a proportionateshare of members to the Ivanhoe board, based on its shareholding in Ivanhoe.
It was also difficult to so adjust each bar that it should bear its proportionateshare of the tension; an obvious cause of inequality.
Among the high civilisations he seems to be very comfortably situated indeed, and to have more than his proportionateshare of the prosperities going.
It said an independent Scotland would be responsible for "a fair and proportionateshare" of Britain's liabilities with repayment terms subject to negotiation.
Despite the action of the Hartford Convention, the fact remains that Massachusetts contributed more than her proportionateshare of money and troops for the war.