Area around the proscenium, the vertical plane at the front of a theatrical stage.
Examples for "proscenium"
Examples for "proscenium"
1The proscenium stage was large and lit with footlights on each side.
2There were two tiers, arranged in a horseshoe around the proscenium arch.
3As the proscenium arch reared triumphal, the audience was plunged into darkness.
4This party occupied the upper proscenium box on the right of the stage.
5The cuspidor end of it protrudes into one of the proscenium-boxes.
1There were two tiers, arranged in a horseshoe around the proscenium arch.
2As the proscenium arch reared triumphal, the audience was plunged into darkness.
3Cracks of a muted weapon-weapons ;woodsplintered on the molding of the proscenium arch.
4The frame through which the audience views the stage is the " proscenium arch."
5Just an endless plain with the High Andes cradling and looming over it, like a proscenium arch.
6One interesting quirk: While the proscenium arch is ringed with a number of plaques, only one is inscribed.
7Action often happened centre-frame in an almost theatrical style, making the TV screen more like a proscenium arch.
8There was the customary draping of flags under the proscenium arch and across the set-piece villa of the background.
9Herbert's parents were theater people and much of his childhood had been spent knocking about behind the proscenium arch.
10The proscenium arch curved again into her consciousness, herself its center and vocal beyond the powers of the human organ.
11Dromgoole stresses the point that Storey's plays are tailored for the proscenium arch, and draws an unexpected comparison with Noël Coward.
12The space lying between the tormentors and a line drawn between the bases of the proscenium arch is called "One."
13But what it actually celebrates is showbiz cuteness, with Michael hugging the proscenium arch as if he were a male Judy Garland.
14It had one tier of boxes all fitted with emerald-green curtains, and its proscenium arch was aglitter with gilded scrollwork and angels.
15At a point about a metre behind the proscenium arch, he is halted by the voices of several dozen other young people shouting stop!
16Under his neon proscenium arch, the ship is a tiny toy creeping along at a Robert Wilsonian pace while Damm himself plays the iceberg.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Proscenium arch a través del temps