In The Descent of Man, Charles Darwin explored the possibility of a musical proto-language.
The discovery of the Landry-M'batu 'Cretan Spirals' could substantiate theories about a global proto-language from which all modern languages descend.
It's Ugaritic, an extinct written proto-language that arose in a small but important section of Syria. He looked at Chrissie.
Nowhere does one find precursor proto-languages; all seem fully formed and complex.
Given his findings, Cohn suspects that we should add sand drawings to those early proto-languages.
Researchers infer this from words, identified in proto-languages, that point to an other, or to coalitions, or to danger.
Comparisons with reverse-engineered Sino-Tibetan and other proto-languages are claimed to have fallen in line with the predictions of panhuman proto-language proponents.