Chief singer, and usually instructor, employed at a church, a cathedral or monastery.
Examples for "cantor"
Examples for "cantor"
1Millie said she liked the Jewish cantor and the Irish Catholic policeman.
2There it was again, what the cantor had said and admired, then!
3So the cantor found himself all alone in a strange world.
4The pall bearers came, the minister and the cantor with the students' choir.
5The first of these famous pædagogues was the cantor, worthy Mr. Michael Kordé.
1The stipend of the precentor of Barchester was eighty pounds a year.
2John Nitschmann, as precentor, started the hymn; the procession to the Hutberg began.
3I think it was the music, or the painted windows, or the precentor.
4Tell the bishop and the precentor that you are needed elsewhere.
5And the old precentor hurried on to join the choir invisible.
Translations for protopsaltes