You don't suppose Adam had the cutaneous unpleasantness politely called psora, do you?
Furthermore, the Diagnosis from the Eye furnishes positive proof that Hahnemann's theory of psora is based on truth.
Hereditary and constitutional taints of sycosis, scrofula, psora, syphilis; mercurianism, cinchonism, iodism and many other forms of chronic poisoning.
The rock is on the east bank; it is a shelf of granite, covered with psora, cladonia, and other lichens.
He had hunted up recipes for spiritual neuralgia, spasms, indigestion, psora, hypochondriasis, just as doctors do for their bodily counterparts.
We saw on the summit of the Peak no trace of psora, lecidea, or other cryptogamous plants; no insect fluttered in the air.
It was probably the ancient Psora, a bishopric of Palaestina tertia.