Encara no tenim significats per a "pulse red".
1Pain beat a tattoo in his skull, causing his vision to pulse red.
2As she finished coming around the bend, she spotted pulsing red lights.
3The headache suddenly pulsed red and white behind his left eye socket.
4Sometimes branches of leafless trees pulsed red and black like retinal flashes.
5So sang Antoine, dit le Gris, in the pulsing red light.
6Lights pulsed red and blue on the house of horror at my back.
7No one spoke as each of us focused on those pulsing red eyes.
8Blood pulsed red like the dawn sky, splashing to the dirt, staining it black.
9Above Swan's desk, next to his framed Bible quotes, a sensor light starts pulsing red.
10And from those 'clotheslines' hung a foul wash of what looked like pulsing red egg-sacs.
11Cortana brought up a holographic view of the ship and flagged damaged areas in pulsing red.
12His shield display dropped, then pulsed red.
13The frost-coated lawn pulsed red and blue.
14Vader is waiting for me in the corridor ahead, standing in silence, his lightsaber already pulsing red.
15I watched an ambulance squeeze past along the right shoulder, its light pulsing red against the tunnel walls.
16Buildings, palms, turning heads, shops and signs-allpulsed red in response to the revolving hysterical light atop the streaking car.