While Animal Collective have attracted purpleprose before, it was never on this scale.
Physical light deconstructed Wrixlan and Pithan, and each of the night terrors was written in purpleprose.
You cannot get any effect by over writing, by purpleprose, or by a plethora of adjectives.
Well, those pictures spoke volumes with graphic, profane, prurient, pornographic detail that no purpleprose could compare with.
Tarting it up with the most abused squiggle in the English language only elevates it to purpleprose.
Every inch of Nicodemus's arms and forearms burned with pain as the purpleprose was ripped from him.
Daniels, in increasingly purpleprose, began accusing Charabi of providing prewar tips, promises, and intelligence that weren't panning out.
For all the purpleprose which has cushioned the starry emergence of hurling's new order, nothing much has changed around Kilkenny.
Many of my fellow critics, for instance, have greeted the new arrival with open arms, ticker-tape parades, unrestrained praise and new shades of purpleprose.
Towards the end of the report of my finest purpleprose, it was the custom to offer a few paragraphs of judgment on the game.
Depending on the season's colours, they could bill it as PurpleProse Evenings...