Examples for "qc"
Examples for "qc"
1Nicholas Davidson QC is representing many of the Pike River victims' families.
2The question prompted an explosive objection from police counsel, Ian Freckleton QC.
3Because of the complexity of the case an experienced QC is required.
4Lady Deborah Chambers QC, presented a documentary on the case in 1997.
5Simon Russell Flint QC said the defence would offer no other evidence.
1Levi's is committed to using less water in its manufacturing process worldwide.
2Among them, the executives have seen the manufacturing process end to end.
3Otherwise it would just come down to blips in the manufacturing process.
4That allows for a simpler, slimmer manufacturing process - and factory savings.
5The regulatory approval will be conducted in parallel with the manufacturing process. How did social media play a role in your design process?
2He said there was a lot to consider in the design process.
3Size inclusivity is a huge part of the Fenty team's design process.
4And it is critical in the design process: no one way is right.
5Martin said at least 30 firms had been consulted during the design process.
1The special effects for Reloaded have been hyped throughout the production process.
2EBONY: How involved were you in the production process on Luke James?
3South Park's just-in-time production process turned headlines into punchlines with remarkable speed.
4The production process starts with alternating yarns of hydrophobic and hydrophilic cotton.
5The research may eventually help streamline the production process in the fishing industry.
1Testing the iPhone's camera is probably part of the quality control process anyway.
2Tesla has maintained that its quality control process is unusually rigorous.
3The athletes were charged with fraudulently substituting urine during the doping control process.
4With a formal change control process, there are fewer surprises, which makes everyone happy.
5Every song she tackles goes through a rigorous quality- control process.
1It also comes through a rigorous quality process that extends right back to the diamond mine.
2We are undertaking a review of our quality processes, he said.
3A current issue is access to the code and quality processes used while coding.
Translations for quality process