Encara no tenim significats per a "quench in".
1She could not quench in her husband's bosom the thirst of gold.
2Reheat slowly to a dark red for hardening and quench in warm water.
3Remove it from the muffle, and quench in water as soon as the button has solidified.
4As soon as solid, quench in water, separate the button of copper, and save the slag.
5In one chamber torches will quench in their hands, in another, flames and disgusting monsters will surround them.
6The usual heat treatment is to quench in oil from 1,650°F.
7Cool from 1,100°F., either in air or quench in water.
8For an instant it seemed to float in some divine consummation, then, like the bird, to suddenly quench in the radiance of the sky.
9Neither misfortune nor age had been able to quench in him the fire of passion, nor wholly to obscure the genial humor of his character.
10Tools with shanks such as counter bores, taps, reamers, drills, etc., should be heated no further than they are wanted hard, and quench in oil.
11The light of one home had been quenched in gloom and guilt.
12Was it quenched in Drake, in Hawkins, in the conquerors of Hindostan?
13There ensued a fierce contest, but the revolt was quenched in blood.
14The curiosity of two years to be quenched in a single moment!
15The flame of insurrection in the departments was quenched in deluges of blood.
16Quenching in the ash-pan the fifth or sixth cigarette, Maryan inquired:
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