Woody brambles bearing usually red but sometimes black or yellow fruits that separate from the receptacle when ripe and are rounder and smaller than blackberries.
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Examples for "raspberry "
Examples for "raspberry "
1 Epidemiological data pointed to raspberry cakes as the source of the outbreak.
2 Behind the squat pagoda a sky of raspberry pink closed the background.
3 Levet offered a raspberry as he flapped his wings to rise higher.
4 The discriminating bees forsake most other flowers while the raspberry blossoms last.
5 In menorrhagia-toomuch flow-cinnamonand raspberry leaves can be combined with it.
1 Well, no sooner had he done so than he heard some one crying over behind a raspberry bush .
2 It was impossible to miss the rusty tussock moth (Orgyia antiqua) caterpillar foraging on my raspberry bush .
3 Mike waved him into silence and moved across the alley, closing on a tall raspberry bush on the opposite side.
4 Along a back lane, a raspberry bush escapes from under a garden fence, offering its delicious fruit to eagle-eyed passers by.
5 The odd little monster sat absolutely still on the shaded leaf of a raspberry bush , its eyes half closed, apparently sunk in meditation.
6 The butterfly perched beside the little bee on the slender swaying branch of the raspberry bush , and they rocked together in the morning wind.
7 Lipa, why did you let the chickens get into the raspberry bushes ?
8 She led them through the raspberry bushes and into the field.
9 So he flew off and hid in some raspberry bushes .
10 There were raspberry bushes to one side, the sagging canes dotted with late, stunted fruit.
11 He fell backwards among the raspberry bushes , fully expecting to be eaten by the bear.
12 Emily and Spencer stopped, too, peering curiously at them from next to the raspberry bushes .
13 Philip turned and was busily hunting moths on the raspberry bushes when they reached the gate.
14 Every yard of our way is lined with raspberry bushes bent with their rich, red burden.
15 Barely 200 meters from the car, but mossy talus, fallen trees, deep pits, and raspberry bushes everywhere.
16 Beyond it lay a rough, rocky stretch of waste land, covered by a tangle of raspberry bushes .
Més exemples per a "raspberry bush"
Gramàtica, pronunciació i més
Translations for raspberry bush