Distribute in rations, as in the army.
1And we may have about that ration out there applauding at home in front of their television sets.
2If he's been a good boy, you can trigger the treat dispenser and ration out the kibbles throughout the day.
3It said the prioritisation list will enable DHBs to ration out their PPE and also allow them to estimate how much they need.
4Everything to her is tactics, the whole world merely rationed out by politics.
5And a series isn't rationed out with a once-a-week serve.
6You're pretty heady, child of the Scales, always weighing and rationing out what fits.
7They weighed the rations out to the slaves.
8I scarcely ate, and I swallowed down the few drops of water rationed out to me.
9Everybody took what old Master rationed out.
10Tiny vials of shampoo and cleanser and moisturizer and makeup and toothpaste, all rationed out day by day.
11If not, a limited supply will force public health officials to make tough decisions about rationing out a vaccine.
12Along the way, the screenwriting team rations out little ways for Andrew Dicker to expose Sam's selfishness and unreliability.
13The list of genuine insights rationed out by Jim Gavin for public consumption is notoriously and deliberately a short one.
14"He wants to get everybody together and ration out the food and wa-"
15'I'm for supper,' he observed, as he took his iron ration out of his haversack.
16The men rationed out the provisions they had, eating two mouthfuls of tuna and half a glass of milk every 48 hours.
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