Hair and Eyebrows.-Yellowochre and vandyke brown, or rawsienna.
More like rawsienna, golden ochre, cadmium yellow, and goldenrod dark...hard to explain the color.
His colour was good, running to purples, reds, and admirable greens, full of bitumen and rawsienna.
For antique oak, add a trifle of burnt umber and black to rawsienna thinned to the right consistency.
The walls are of a reddish hue, burnt by centuries of sun into the colour of rawsienna or of bloodstone.
It approaches somewhat the character of clear bright rawsienna, though more pure and brilliant, serving for strong semi-transparent greens and sunny effects.
Normally it is I think an umber-brown, yellower in some spots, but varying slightly in tinge, leaning to burnt umber, sienna, and rawsienna.
Most noteworthy are aureolin, the deep and 'pale' cadmiums, lemon yellow, Mars yellow, the modern Naples yellow, the ochres, orient yellow, and rawsienna.
Those generally needed are silver white, Naples yellow, yellow ochre, brilliant yellow, vermilion, Prussian blue, rawsienna, ivory black, carmine, yellow lake, vandyke brown.
Rawsienna compounded with cobalt, indigo, or Prussian blue, and a very little bistre, yields good sea greens, that with indigo being the most fugitive.
"Over there-bythe rock," Steele muttered, with his brush between his teeth, squeezing out rawsienna, and keeping his eyes fixed on Betty Flanders's back.