By P15, a clear topographic organization began to emerge coincident with a reduction in receptivefield size.
Horizontal and vertical edges between the two fields were positioned at different locations in the receptivefield.
A retinal ganglion cell receptivefield is made up of an excitatory center and an inhibitory surround.
Nevertheless, stimulation well outside of the classical receptivefield can exert clear and significant effects on visual processing.
Thus, despite the absence of barrels, most receptivefield properties were similar to those reported for mice and rats.
The approach relies on differences between stimulation within the classical receptivefield (CRF) and that of the surround region.
Primate cortical area 3b neurons have diverse receptivefield (RF) spatial structures that may participate in edge orientation perception.
Encoding properties were characterized by a standard linear-nonlinear spectro-temporal receptivefield (LN) model and variants that incorporated STP-like adaptation.
The SGEN aggregates multilevel base-encoders and base-decoders into the network, which enables the network to contain multiple scales of receptivefield.
The present study compared the receptivefield properties of MDH dura-sensitive neurons in rats treated with morphine to those given vehicle.
Attention toward the stimulus in the receptivefield of recorded neurons significantly facilitated the efficacy of communication among connected pairs of V1 neurons.
Size selectivity involves dynamic interactions between neuronal circuits that establish the classical (center) and extraclassical (surround) of a neuron's receptivefield.