Encara no tenim significats per a "records for".
1This week the U.S. government has broken all records for debt sales.
2The sale, in New York, set records for works by 11 artists.
3Berke said flight records for Walters' plane did not fit Davis's account.
4South Africa is breaking records for all the wrong reasons in 2018.
5Both candidates fell short of records for a political convention television audience.
6That study reviewed Medicare records for one million older Americans with cataracts.
7Newshub reported the police have also seized maintenance records for the vessel.
8The software will track completion and create proper records for regulatory examinations.
9Next on his agenda was locating the medical records for Genetron employees.
10Why would there be records for her, if she wasn't a patient?'
11This was a retrospective study to review immunization records for 243 patients.
12The Post is setting records for subscriptions and is hiring 60 reporters.
13Physician researchers reviewed these records for demographics, injuries, medical diagnoses, and mortality.
14Butterfly-watchers have been totting up their records for the autumn's late flyers.
15Newly minted spacecrafts with minimal track records for carrying a human payload.
16The precipitation records for June, July, August, and September are given below:
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