Significant element of an artistic work, often recurring.
Examples for "figure"
Examples for "figure"
1In reality, given the generous qualifying regulations, quite sizeable movies often figure.
2Today's new figure is down from the 67 new cases reported yesterday.
3I've long given up trying to figure things out in China today.
4Jun Kwang-hoon is a political figure -a far right political icon.
5But the authors note the figure will vary from year to year.
1Large flower-decked jars stand in niches; the cartouches bear the flower motif.
2Whether core promoters contain a DNA motif recognized by TFIIA remains unknown.
3They were characterized by a similar structure including the C-terminal LPLRF-NH2 motif.
4These two sites are purine rich and share a common sequence motif.
5You can think of a motif as a lens into the markets.
1At the same time there also seems to be an artistic element involved?
2There is always this psychological, or, if you will, artistic element in exchange.
3Moreover, he is far from despising the artistic element.
4The truly artistic element in architecture, however, is more clearly manifest if we turn our gaze to the past.
5Your Munich news showed you to me in your ever serene artistic element, which I cordially enjoyed with you.
1He thought he could see a recurring element in each symbol below the one that BB had identified as Onyx.
Translations for recurring element