Ground warfare branch of the Soviet Union's military (1917–1946)
1What a diverse line-up of Irish followers the red army can muster.
2The barrier of the red army doesn't count so far as Tayoga is concerned.
3For a moment I felt like stationing myself next to the red army of Yuletide plants with a placard saying: Their end is nigh!
4That would inevitably mean Spartacism from the Urals to the Rhine, with its inevitable consequence of a huge red army attempting to cross the Rhine.
5Red Army soldier Pilyugin said: 'General Frost is happy to help us.
6I asked whether people had looked forward to the Red Army's arrival.
7Red Army soldier Petrov says: 'At the front we have bad leadership.'
8Two very smart soldiers of the Red Army were guarding the doors.
9War has been declared and the Red Army is mobilizing near Keeseville.
10Middleton ploughed through those defences like a Red Army tank in Berlin.
11It seems that officers of the Red Army aren't allowed to surrender.
12He understood another essential fact: there are no Red Army tanks in Portugal.
13Red Army soldiers talking to Soviet citizens liberated by their advance.
14We were, for a time, no longer Seeds, no longer the Red Army.
15The great Red Army can't even provide bullets and food for its troops.
16Were the authorities going to try to stop the Red Army with them?
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Translations for red army