Encara no tenim significats per a "red-hot pincers".
1First, Stubbe was flayed alive, his skin peeled off with red-hot pincers.
2He doesn't look as if red-hot pincers would make him lose his dignity.
3I stabbed her with a knife and burned her flesh with red-hot pincers!
4Previously, Kuisl had tortured him with thumbscrews and red-hot pincers.
5That promise I would keep under red-hot pincers.
6On such a day as this he would defy the Devil himself and all his red-hot pincers!
7Hans and Jorgan, prepare the red-hot pincers!
8Morgan Sloat with a final, not-to-be-refused offer involving a machine-gun, a blowtorch, a pair of red-hot pincers .
9The assassin has been arrested, and the wretched man will be burnt, drawn with red-hot pincers, and quartered.
10But she won't confess; red-hot pincers would not drag a secret from her, if she meant to keep it.
11Imagine a sensation in the great toe, as if it had been suddenly seized with a pair of red-hot pincers.
12Tear my sides, my chest, my face, with red-hot pincers, flay me alive, shoot, stone me, rather than keep me waiting.
13Molten lead was poured down the throat of his accomplice, after having subjected him to the torture of red-hot pincers and limb-rending screws.
14No image that fire, flame, brimestone ,moltenlead, or red-hot pincers could supply; with flesh, nerves, and sinews quivering under them, was omitted.
15I seemed to myself then two beings-anouter covering racked and tortured by red-hotpincers, and a soul at peace.
16St. Dunstan generally served him the glorious trick for which he is renowned-catchinghold of his nose with a pair of red-hotpincers, till
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Red-hot pincers a través del temps
Red-hot pincers per variant geogràfica