Encara no tenim significats per a "reddening in".
1Tattered, blue-purple clouds, reddening in the east, were scudding before the wind.
2His face was reddening in its customary signal of his enthusiasm.
3He looked across the motley sea toward an opalescent sky reddening in the east.
4Waythorn felt himself reddening in anticipation of the other's smile.
5I released them, wiping my eyes, face reddening in embarrassment.
6He was paling and reddening in rapid succession.
7And Ray stood erect, bristling and fiery, as some one reddening in the very light of battle.
8I said, reddening in my turn.
9He will not be back to-night; for the sky is reddening in the east, and the dawn is close.
10The enemy was a streaked blur going by; and all in that second it was past, reddening in the distance.
11The lane passed into a pine-wood with boles reddening in the afternoon sun and delicate blue shadows on the snow.
12So Atta lay in the bows, looking through the trails of vine at the racing tides now reddening in the dawn.
13The conversation that followed there with the east reddening in the morning sun was very brief, very swift to the point.
14Then said Titus, "The sky is already reddening in the east; a beautiful spring day is beginning to dawn."
15Through the swaying branches of the forest-trees he caught brief glimpses of the granite walls and turrets reddening in the sunset glow.
16The sun was reddening in the west, and below, almost at his feet, the valley swam in a haze of delicate amethyst.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Reddening in a través del temps
Reddening in per variant geogràfica