Redleg is a term used to refer to poor whites that live or at one time lived on Barbados, St.
Examples for "redleg"
Examples for "redleg"
1They could see poor Blackfoot's bleeding hocks: We got to call heem Redleg soon.
1The Braves mashed the Redlegs three straight, and won their first five games.
2And it was further fuelled when former Redlegs teammate Wayne Tanner got him involved in ownership.
3On September 25, Spahn won his twentieth, eliminating the Redlegs with a complete-game six-hitter, 7-1.
4"Johnny Redlegs"-guardianof the "Soixante-quinze."
5The tough midfielder captained the Redlegs from 1990-98, is an official legend of the club and led the state side for three years.