Encara no tenim significats per a "reduce to subjection".
1Now, at sea they are absolute masters; and instantly reduce to subjection every place at which they land.
2Sicily had been reduced to subjection to the Bourbons of Naples.
3Thus for the second time Ionia had been reduced to subjection.
4We will admit that her inhabitants are reduced to subjection.
5Reduce to subjection a warlike and discontented nation, by means of a mutinous army?
6Henry Percy boasted that the Scots south of the Forth had been reduced to subjection.
7Thus all Italy was, in 484, reduced to subjection.
8At the same time Satricum was again reduced to subjection and severely punished for its revolt.
9Samos completely reduced to subjection.
10He does not wish to have you expelled, and I revoke my sentence; but he desires to have you reduced to subjection.
11On the north of the wall were the nations that no severity had reduced to subjection, and no resistance could restrain from plunder.
12The wild tribes of modern Yunnan were reduced to subjection, and their territory may further be considered as added from about this period.
13He was defeated and driven back to the north of Lake Urumiah, the Mannai were reduced to subjection, and Assyria once more breathed freely.
14Then after the remainder of Hellas has been reduced to subjection, from that moment the Lacedemonian power will be left alone and therefore feeble.
15Having taken this step of open defiance to the Ming government, Li invaded Shansi, which he reduced to subjection with little difficulty or bloodshed.
16That king who does not crush a foe reduced to subjection by military force, provides for his own death like the crab when she conceives.