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Meanings of release on probation in anglès
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Usage of release on probation in anglès
In September of 2009, after serving seven years, he was releasedonprobation.
Porush was sentenced to four years in prison and releasedonprobation in 2004.
He was releasedonprobation after 13 months.
You're probably going to be releasedonprobation next year, so you've been sending out resumes.
Those of whom he can report very favourably could be releasedonprobation, and so on.
Eight prisoners have already been releasedonprobation for their efforts during the quake, the report said.
In the case of first offenders, or where other conditions justify it, the prisoner is releasedONPROBATION.
In case of conviction, the child can, on his advice, be releasedonprobation, or the sentence can be suspended.
A prominent Azerbaijani investigative journalist has been releasedonprobation after her detention was widely criticised by activists and human rights organisations.
After being releasedonprobation, Gina moved to Cambridge, Mass., to live with a paternal aunt and uncle, Alan and Carol Bennett.
A Dublin girl who murdered chip shop owner Mr Franco Sacco appeared in court yesterday before being releasedonprobation for another year.
It took all kinds of influence to get him releasedonprobation, but this was accomplished and then the boy disappeared from home.
On Thursday, authorities had detained seven people over the blast, of which four have been formally arrested and three have been releasedonprobation.
Mr John Doherty made the appeal after learning that parents had seen a convicted paedophile, releasedonprobation from prison, walking near two primary schools.
One prisoner, jailed for murder, was releasedonprobation for carrying a handicapped inmate to safety after May's 7.9 magnitude earthquake.
One prisoner, jailed for murder, was releasedonprobation for carrying a handicapped inmate to safety after May's 7.9 magnitude quake.