The relentlesstouring with Pentangle took its toll and they disbanded in early 1973.
Their relentlesstouring schedule and… Audio This audio is not downloadable due to copyright restrictions.
Though Diddley grew tired of relentlesstouring, he understood it as the role he had been given in life, Haynes said.
And in keeping with his relentlesstouring schedule, which he maintains keeps him substance-free, all Earle's characters are constantly on the move.
Formed in Melbourne in 1981, Hunters & Collectors made their mark on the pub circuit through relentlesstouring and commanding live performances.
They are creative in how they manage to achieve this, with a relentlesstouring schedule that has calmed down slightly in recent years.
After a debut at the Royal Festival Hall in 1967, they began a relentlesstouring schedule as well as doing TV and radio work.
Over the course of six albums and relentlesstouring Screaming Females have built a reputation as one of the hardest working bands in the world.
Relentlesstouring has given this ensemble a global platform to create a feast of instrumental virtuosity, where rhythms are dominant.
Relentlesstouring has given this ensemble a global platform to create a happy feast of colours and instrumental virtuosity where rhythms are dominant (RNZ)