Encara no tenim significats per a "rememberest".
1Thou rememberest thy words to my adjutant during those maneuvers in Pi-Bailos?
2Thou rememberest the surprise with which we were received there last vintage twelvemonth.
3Thou rememberest His Holy Name, and still thinkest of his power?
4My brother, said he, rememberest thou not how valiant thou hast been heretofore?
5Thou rememberest, lord, that the Christians had me in their hands, and spared me.
6Thou rememberest the contents, I suppose, of thy furious letter.
7Thou hast seen many meltings of the snow: thou rememberest the young tree a sapling.
8Whenever thou rememberest the eternal and never ending union, thou wilt be comforted and blissful.
9And, Marie, thou rememberest that thou wert my choice and not that of any go-between.
10And rememberest thou how quiet the evenings are there?
11But rememberest thou that Lipovka grove beyond the yard?
12I am perfect weakness: but 'thou knowest my frame, thou rememberest that I am dust.'
13In my adversity, thou rememberest thou art a woman!
14Nay, thou must go and hide for the present in the forest-thourememberest 'Elfwyn's Grange'?
15Thou rememberest, divinity, his confusion and thy exclamation, 'Habet!'
16Although thou conceal these things in thy heart, yet I know that thou rememberest all things.
Rememberest a través del temps