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Extended cure or improvement of renovascularhypertension was achieved in nine patients.
Objective: To evaluate factors that affect outcome following revascularization in patients with renovascularhypertension.
Thus, extended cure or improvement of renovascularhypertension was achieved in 60% of patients.
We conclude that chronic oral treatment with quercetin shows both antihypertensive and antioxidant effects in this model of renovascularhypertension.
The possibility of renovascularhypertension was excluded by angiography of the renal artery and by venous sampling of plasma renin activity.
Surgical therapy of all relevant stenoses (at best in a single procedure) is necessary for complete relief of renovascularhypertension.
We describe a case of renovascularhypertension that was caused by renal artery dissection after an angiographic evaluation of the lower extremities.
Usually, renal angiography, which is always used to confirm the diagnosis of renovascularhypertension, reveals stenoses and rarely bilateral or unilateral renal artery aneurysms.
Thus, for the same demographic features and overall cardiovascular risk profile, renovascularhypertension carries a more detrimental effect on the carotid artery than primary hypertension.
We included all the patients diagnosed to have renovascularhypertension, confirmed by renal angiography, between July 1997 and September 2000.
This study was conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan to evaluate factors that affect outcome following revascularisation in patients with renovascularhypertension.
In patients with secondary hypertension, levels were lower in those with primary aldosteronism and higher in those with renovascularhypertension when compared to normal subjects.
Renovascularhypertension due to RAS in infants with a solitary kidney is difficult to control by medical treatment alone.
It included all the patients diagnosed to have Renovascularhypertension confirmed by renal angiography between July 1996 to September 2000.
Renovascularhypertension was diagnosed in 35 patients on the basis of the angiographic demonstration of renal artery stenosis and of the favorable outcome after revascularization.