Encara no tenim significats per a "reserved force".
1There is a reserved force of pent-up pathos here, which without effort reaches the height of dramatic effectiveness.
2They appear to act by means of some latent power, some reserved force, which acts secretly, by mere presence.
3There is not a particle of reserved force or dormant power or anything of the kind for you to dread.
4They were the aristocrats of their kind, full of reserved force, unimpeachable in dignity, stately even, at times veritably austere.
5Do your best, sire, and I will come to your relief with a reserved force, which will do good service.
6To Mostyn she was a marvel of beauty, animation, and reserved force as she stood lightly brushing back her flowing hair.
7This is that which we call Character,- areservedforce which acts directly by presence, and without means.
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