Examples for "ribavirin"
Examples for "ribavirin"
1The standard group patients received 48 weeks of peginterferon plus ribavirin treatment.
2None of the studied patients received ribavirin therapy or specific RSV immunoglobulin.
3This data supports further evaluation of VCH-759 in combination with interferon-ribavirin treatment.
4The proposed algorithm also holds for patients treated with peg-interferon and ribavirin.
5Typical treatment involves 52 weeks of interferon plus the antiviral drug ribavirin.
1In the multivariate Cox analysis, RBV ranges remained independent and significant outcome predictors.
2No additional benefits of RBV use were observed for both regimens.
3Selection towards a dominant IFN-resistant strain did not occur under standard or PEG-IFN plus RBV.
4Conclusion: Quantitative whole-animal absorption reconstruction is possible and can be validated in vivo using the rBV.
5Only individuals who had completed a course of pegIFN-RBV therapy and had validated outcomes were considered.
Translations for ribavirinum