Encara no tenim significats per a "roared over".
1He fell down dead, and the lion stood and roared over him.
2The Hind dropped altitude, and roared over the side of the ship.
3Blinding dust rose everywhere, a billowing black front that roared over him.
4The north-wester roared over the housetops, and presently brother and sister were asleep.
5And, hurrying back to the staircase, he roared over the balusters:
6They rocketed across a stream and roared over the saddle at 70 m.p.h.
7Aggie instinctively gunned his engine, and the big Dodge roared over a hill.
8It howled and roared over the ship, not unlike a hurricane in its fury.
9Burning hydrogen roared over and around him just after the faceplate clanked into place.
10Just before dawn a four-engined airplane roared over the camp.
11The general's voice roared over the shrieks, yells, and chants in Blue Moon Plaza.
12Two teardrop-shaped Covenant Seraph fighters roared over their hiding spot.
13What fun it was, to be sure, and how we roared over the performance!
14Georges roared over Puerto Rico Monday night with sustained winds of 110 miles per hour.
15A new wave of intense vibrations roared over us.
16At that moment the Avenger roared over the trenches.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Roared over a través del temps
Roared over per variant geogràfica