Encara no tenim significats per a "rot garbage".
1The interior smelled of oil, gasoline, and a hint of rotting garbage.
2All that lingers is the foul stench of rotting garbage and kerosene.
3The alley was dark, the air thick with the smell of rotting garbage.
4A bag of meat that breathes, and when that stops, nothing but rotting garbage.
5She smelled rotting garbage and a warm mammalian reek.
6Caleb moved through the living room, stepping over waterlogged books and mounds of putrid, rotting garbage.
7It smelled like rotting garbage and cigarette butts.
8The alley behind the liquor store is rank with the stench of rotting garbage and urine.
9On either side of the ghostly empty streets, flies buzz over huge piles of rotting garbage.
10The atmosphere fairly reeked with the smell of sweating animals, perspiring humanity, rotting garbage, and vile sewage.
11Everything smells like rotting garbage and fire.
12She would only stop to remove rotting garbage from the debris and toss it into a nearby dumpster.
13Gentry smelled snow and rotting garbage.
14It smelled bad, like rotting garbage.
15In Dala township, the suburb where ChuChu is located, the streets are littered with mountains of rotting garbage.
16On streets lined with rotting garbage and ramshackle stalls, Aminu Ladan polishes shoes to scrape out a living.