Encara no tenim significats per a "run mates".
1He had hired a new campaign manager and was thinking about running mates.
2Trump, shifting into general election mode, has already begun to consider running mates.
3The two politicians were running mates in 2014 but have since become bitter enemies.
4His comments are being seen as a criticism of one of his party running mates.
5By July, Obama's pollsters were focus-group-testing potential running mates with voters in Cleveland and Milwaukee.
6Both have picked running mates from other ethnic backgrounds.
7Five became third party candidates, and two became major party running mates, both of whom lost.
8In a normal national election, the two men would have never ended up as running mates.
9Both main candidates have picked northern running mates.
10Both Megawati and Kalla picked generals who served under former president Suharto as their running mates.
11Rice, Haley and New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez were mentioned in recent weeks as possible running mates.
12His opponents, on the other hand, have picked running mates with questions over their human rights records.
13The Premier and himself had too many points, though not characteristics, in common to become running mates.
14Both chose running mates to their right.
15Gone the personality-based in-fighting about running mates.
16He's even been mentioned in media speculation about possible running mates for presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.