Historical ethnonym of people of Rus region.
Examples for "ruthenian"
Examples for "ruthenian"
1The Ruthenian people in Canada are now going through their assimilation period.
2This nefarious process is still at work, especially in the Ruthenian settlements.
3This leads us to dwell on another phase of the Ruthenian problem.
4The LANGUAGE, the SCHOOL, the Ruthenian's faith unscrupulously exploit in their nefarious work.
5This diagnosis of the Ruthenian problem should suggest practical lines for individual and group action.
1A Ruthene who protested against the ill-treatment of women, who were forced to do the lowest work, was bayonetted.
2He began with "In the Key of Ruthene" on May 6th, 1893, and followed it up with a laughable ode "To a Fashion-Plate Belle."
1Rick Rusin (C) trims a Christmas tree for customers at a lot in Geneva, Illinois in this picture taken December 9, 2008.
1Many shows now seem to have a tough Russkie with mob connections, ideally played by a non-Russian actor, to up the narrative ante.
1Similar councils were formed also by the Ruthenes and Rumanians.
1The Ruthenians are among those who pay the best salaries to teachers.
2Thus the Ruthenians were conquered, and Frode made his way back home.
3The bulk of the people in this latter country are Russniaks or Ruthenians.
4Thence he travelled and fell in with Trannon, the monarch of the Ruthenians.
5These little Poles and Ruthenians and Bohemians are finally made over into Americans.
6Little Russia, the seat of turmoil, is the home of the Ruthenians, or Ukranians.
7In Galicia, the minority Ruthenians fought the majority Poles.
8Foremost in numbers were the Ruthenians from Galicia.
9These peasants are the Russniaks or Ruthenians.
10These Ruthenians number upwards of four million.
11The vast majority of these Ruthenians belong to the Catholic Church and are our brethren in the Faith.
12Now, the fact of paramount importance is that the English language is fast gaining ground among the Ruthenians.
13Ukraine, Wilson and; autonomy, and Ruthenians.
14The Ruthenians were beset with a double peril, and wavered whether they should first withstand waves or weapons.
15The Ruthenians in southern Galicia and Bukowina, are identical in race and speech with the Little Russians of Ukrainia.
16Nations were still sleeping-theCzechs, Slovaks and Southern Slavs, the Roumanians and Ruthenians had barely awakened to national life.
Translations for ruthenians