Encara no tenim significats per a "saddest face".
1Haditha looked up at her husband with the saddest face he could imagine.
2In repose, it was the saddest face I ever knew.
3Frank thought it was the saddest face he'd ever seen.
4Buddy was a rescued pound dog with the saddest face I had ever seen.
5So the Moon drove away wearing his saddest face.
6She started and turned up to him the saddest face the old physician had ever seen.
7He has the saddest face you ever saw.
8I should not be surprised if it were so, for Fanny has the saddest face I ever saw.
9It was more like the face of a suffering Christ, the saddest face I ever saw, or ever will see again.
10When the wedding took place, the saddest face at the ceremony, save that of the groom, was the face of the bride's father.
11She was tall, handsome, with large dark eyes, good features, a rather pale complexion, and I think the saddest face that I ever saw.
12Upon ascending the stairs one's eyes first rest upon the "very saddest face ever painted or conceived," as Hawthorne describes the beautiful Cenci.
13The saddest faces we ever saw were those of women coming away from them.
14They had the saddest faces I ever saw.
15S is for the saddest faces of the Games, restaurant owners who put on extra staff only to watch them do crosswords.
16"A perfect O," said Charlotte Wolfe, thirty-six, adding: "It was the saddest face I ever saw in my life."
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