Encara no tenim significats per a "said the praetor".
1Get off your donkey, said the praetor.
2"Officers, remove the accused Glaucus-remove, but guard him yet," said the prætor.
3"All the Pierides," said the praetor, "are represented at Lochias.
4"It is the priest Calenus," said the prætor, gravely.
5"It is both sensible and wise," said the praetor, shortly and decidedly, interrupting the boy.
6"It is the priest Calenus," said the prætor.
7"Egyptian," said the prætor, frowning, "thou didst, then, dare to imprison a priest of the gods-andwherefore?"
8"Of this hereafter," said the prætor.
9"Enough at present," said the prætor.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per: