Encara no tenim significats per a "sailing westward".
1The San Vittoria, sailing westward, had come back to her starting-point.
2His supposed sailing westward carried him in reality south of the latitude of Ireland.
3We'll have plenty of wind for sailing westward; more than we shall like from all accounts.
4His ingenious reasoning and experiment led him to believe that by sailing westward he would reach India.
5And to this day of his death he imagined that he had reached India by sailing westward.
6They believed with the rest of the world that the coast of China had been reached by sailing westward.
7None thought of sailing westward.
8So was Kettle Flatnose, for he was now sailing westward, and he knew that Ireland was somewhere in that direction.
9A few years later, Columbus, sailing westward, set up the flag of Spain upon the shores of a new world.
10Spain, as you know, had faith in Columbus, and helped him in his plan of trying to reach India by sailing westward.
11This glacier was regarded with some interest; for, remarkably enough, it is the last one met with in sailing westward to Melville Island.
12Alexandrian geographers had measured the size of the earth, and had not hesitated to assert that by sailing westward one might reach India.
13He refitted his ship in San Francisco harbor, and thence sailing westward, returned home (1579) by the Cape of Good Hope.
14August 2nd.-Headwind-sailingwestward-large hummocks of ice ahead, and on port bow, i.e.
15Sailing westward from Madeira (1524), he reached land near the present harbor of Wilmington.
16Sailing westward with a light and pleasant easterly breeze, in twenty-five days we ran eight hundred leagues.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Sailing westward a través del temps