Encara no tenim significats per a "saw things".
1For a scary moment, I saw things from her point of view.
2Suppose it affected his mind so that he saw things more clearly?
3In those mists, Abner Marsh saw things; visions swift-glimpsed and then gone.
4It wasn't until I went to college that I saw things clearly.
5He admitted on coming back that he saw things differently from supporters.
6Last Friday night, we saw things that should never be in Thailand.
7Your grandfather saw things through the glasses of the time he wrote.
8A childhood spent in gravity shaped the way he saw things forever.
9She saw things under a wider sky and in a clearer light.
10I stepped closer and saw things like worms crawling over its body.
11He knew too much and saw things too clearly to be happy.
12His eye was beyond a falcon's; he saw things that were invisible.
13She never made a mistake about anything, and she saw things justly.
14So, at least, I viewed the matter, though Guert saw things differently.
15Cuthbert, when he saw things at all, saw them steadily and whole.
16He saw things moving, moving, but they were all so far away.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Saw things a través del temps
Saw things per variant geogràfica