Dreadful; causing alarm and fear.
Examples for "terrible"
Examples for "terrible"
1The noise was terrific; the sight was terrible in its fierce grandeur.
2Elizabeth blushed and looked grave; to her the matter seemed too terrible.
3His Eminence in scarlet is magnificent; his Eminence in gray is terrible.
4Torches flashed in the boats that put off in the terrible search.
5The news of the terrible insurrection of the catholics in Ireland followed.
1The awful in the natural forces, moral and material, seems his element.
2Southern Asia in general is the seat of awful images and associations.
3Language which disguises the awful reality of war is often standard practice.
4The road was in an awful state: it was deep in mud.
5Never before had there been so awful a crisis in Jewish history.
1The words repeated in his mind, clear now, so clear-andso frightening.
2It was an all-too-brief escape from the frightening reality of her situation.
3A major criminal investigation is now under way into these frightening events.
4For the first time for anybody going into that situation, it's frightening.
5I've had a heart problem, so it was very difficult and frightening.
1They are at risk of human trafficking and horrific abuse and exploitation.
2I just hope we do the work to right this horrific wrong.
3Witnessing horrific health cases, one after the other, was a heartbreaking experience.
4So far in the 99th Tour de France, nothing horrific has happened.
5The video shows a horrific attack on a South African police officer.
1In those days a doctor's office could indeed be a fearsome place.
2The trailer must represent a large and fearsome change in their environment.
3She says however fearsome it might look, the axe is not sharp.
4Hizdahr's fearsome collection of former fighting slaves made indifferent guards at best.
5It felt right somehow that Butters was trading on their fearsome reputation.
1They're using that to gain political advantage out of a horrendous situation.
2Earlier, we had read about the horrendous conditions of orphanages in Romania.
3She was in Time City, in the middle of a horrendous mistake.
4The horrendous details of the case are a gift to conspiracy theorists.
5The 32-year-old Lynette Volschenk is the murdered victim of this horrendous crime.
1The direful youths fought in the Steynham stables, overheard by the grooms.
2He felt himself supremely helpless in the presence of the direful calamity.
3At night the scene was far more direful than in the day.
4They discovered uncharted islands and cheerfully fought savages or suffered direful shipwreck.
5In such a case, how avert the chances of a direful conflict?
1In the right context, the scary-looking number may prove the Ivorian's point.
2For a scary moment, I saw things from her point of view.
3In fact it did it with just two scary words: higher taxes.
4The US state of Louisiana is facing a very serious, scary threat.
5Given the numbers, that's a scary thought for upcoming New England opponents.
6He said there were scary moments while being stuck out at sea.
7Every night a new scary story, each one getting closer to home.
8So far, 2020 has made the future seem scary, if not unimaginable.
9Donnie hardly wants to tell anyone about his scary new rabbit friend.
10Back then winter must have been a pretty scary time of year.
11The RDS is a scary place during the early days of January.
12As such, salmon is leading the way to a scary new world.
13But they do all know how to act in a scary situation.
14He said: 'When I got on the stage it was very scary.
15You see, you gotta be brave to ask yourself the scary questions.
16But just driving to the hospital on Monday was really quite scary.
Scary per variant geogràfica