High place where people can gather to view scenery.
Examples for "lookout"
Examples for "lookout"
1I would suggest, therefore, that you remain awake and on the lookout.
2He knew the lookout well; they had often shared this precarious perch.
3Hallowes said, I'll send a good lookout up to that ridge, sir.
4One lookout in front of the bank, and another at the rear.
5The Gonds in Seonee were always on the lookout for a porcupine.
1Symptoms of those preconditional diseases, however, would have been impossible to overlook.
2I mean that we're prepared to overlook certain details of the matter.
3Some overlook the golf course, the others have views of the courtyard.
4We simply cannot overlook the first domino in the mass incarceration line.
5That suggests narrow responses will overlook many of those affected, researchers said.
1For some months, he had been sheltering in a ten-foot-deep cave at the base of the bluff, directly below the scenic viewpoint.
2Mike Whelan Still, nature lovers enjoy the park for its scenic viewpoints, picnic areas, and hiking and mountain-biking trails-all20 minutes from town.
1This letter describes the surgical view point of PVT in liver transplantation.
2Rosalind was caught up by this new view point of the man.
3What was its most valuable element from the view point of literature?
4From a religious view point Puritanism included all shades of belief.
5Nearly all of them began with the American view point uppermost, in this fashion:
1He has to work from the physical point of view, of course.
2This is from an oil security point of view a crucial question.
3The trend, however, is probably dangerous from a publishing point of view.
4Does Trump really want that from a political strategy point of view?
5Looked at from our point of view the problems were quite absurd.
1The broad, flat expanse of the summit featured a number of fenced-in scenic lookout points scattered around the edge of the table land.
2I hit the brake and swerved into a stand of trees that stood off the soft shoulder of the road, a scenic lookout.
3I started selling coffee on scenic lookouts outside of the incorporated town boundaries so it was legal.
1The Euphrates from a scenic point of view might be described as more wooded than the Tigris.
2This practice may be very effective, from a scenic point of view, but it is not countenanced by any rule of etiquette.
1Her dead mother walked in just as Madeline arrived at her observation point.
2He will monitor the stranger's movements from here; it is the perfect observation point.
3Immediately he left his observation point and entered the First People's Bank of Aressa.
4She cast her gaze upwards towards their observation point, but there was nothing there.
5Tells about joining him at a crowded secret observation point near the Brooklyn Bridge.
1From her vantage point, she saw a steep but possible way up.
2However, from the vantage point of a child, it most certainly is.
3There's no escaping it and yet your vantage point is entirely different.
4I often ended up with a better vantage point than my colleagues.
5From his vantage point Bolan could see a number of parked vehicles.
1The temple was proving a popular viewing point for awed, angry officers.
2Leave the crowds behind at the lakeside and climb 110 steps to the viewing point above Lough Gur.
3Only when you stand at the correct viewing point is the illusion perfect, and then it is very convincing indeed.
4From that point steps lead to another viewing point at a higher altitude that provides a view over the Middle Lake.
5Watching games from the corner of the North Bank near the bar was a great viewing point for a short schoolkid.
1At the apex, the walkway broadened into a scenic overlook affectionately known as Hurricane Heights.
2The entrance provides a scenic overlook of the landfill.
3She was only on the second floor, but when she got upstairs the view made her feel as if she were at some scenic overlook.
4He turned into one of the scenic overlooks on the parkway and look down at the Potomac River.
5Video Image Curiosity at Martian Scenic Overlook Curiosity at Martian Scenic Overlook There are a few immediate red flags with this description.
6"The view is supposed to be more scenic overlooking the reservoir," I said as I passed him.
7"Just a little." Mattie opened the door to get out, and Gil followed her to the scenic overlook.
Translations for scenic overlook