In education, a group of students taking the same course, or at the same level in an institution.
Examples for "class"
Examples for "class"
1The problem is: how does the left talk to the working class?
2Many working-class political movements of this period demonstrated far greater political insight.
3The control group performed a typical physical class three times per week.
4FINRA arbitration rules do not allow arbitrators to hear class action cases.
5A class-action case can result in higher recoveries and lower litigation costs.
1Especially do these facts hold for the teacher in the church- school class.
2The Crazy Horse Too was the best high- school class I ever took.
3And of course it also refers to a Sunday school class.
4An elementary- school class held in the gym at Bronxville Elementary School.
5In his graduating law school class of 135, there were just six women.
6Top prospects in the 2020 high school class, such as No.
7He and Ilsa had been in the same primary school class.
8Like Flom, Bickel was a star in his law school class.
9Twenty-five girls and twenty-five boys, mostly from the high school class, were asked.
10I kid you not -half of his high school class is gone.
11The girl's high school class takes a field trip to a mental hospital.
12Either way, as a name for a school class it set a clear tone.
13Coriolis effect, a dimly remembered high school class reminded Prax.
14Attended Johns Hopkins and was member of their first medical school class - '97.
15And I do not want to take a Sabbath- school class.
16He was a nice-looking Italian boy- ayoungfriend of Joy's from her culinary school class.
Translations for school class