School of thought within philosophy.
1Hypatia, a pagan lady, kept a public school of philosophy in the city.
2After long study and meditation, Ammonius opened a school of philosophy in Alexandria.
3The third school of philosophy was the PYTHAGOREAN, founded by PYTHAGORAS.
4Thales, who founded the Ionic school of philosophy, was a native of Miletus.
5Theodorus was of the cold school of philosophy, which was chiefly followed in Alexandria.
6Later he founded a prestigious school of philosophy in Rome.
7The Greeks of Alexandria had formed rather a school of philosophy than a religious sect.
8Sceptics, a school of philosophy founded by Pyrrho (4th century B.C.).
9She came out of intellectual New England-theEmerson-Thoreau-ChanningPhillips school of philosophy-andwas broadly tolerant.
10When I was a student here every wealthy man belonged to some school of philosophy.
11And perchance amid these groves might arise at last a new school of philosophy or poetry.
12The one is the Alexandrian school of poetry and science, the other the Alexandrian school of philosophy.
13Another time the same person came up and asked him what school of philosophy he belonged to.
14Robert Trevanion, although brought up in the same school of philosophy as his father, belonged to another generation.
15What school of philosophy such wisdom?
16The city street is the school of philosophy, of art, of letters; city society is the home of refinement.
Translations for school of philosophy