Group of people sharing common outlook on an academic issue or field.
1There are two key schools of thought trying to answer that one.
2There are two schools of thought among those who study economic voting.
3There are two schools of thought relating to group dynamics and creativity.
4There are two schools of thought in the interminable self-publishing pricing discussion.
5These opposing schools of thought are profoundly sincere in their conflicting beliefs.
6There are two schools of thought as to why commodities are slumping.
7When a meme catches on, it may crystallize whole schools of thought.
8Can there not be more collaboration between these two schools of thought?
9There are two schools of thought as to how to accomplish this.
10We have two schools of thought relating to amendment of the Constitution.
11This has been differently defined by the two great schools of thought.
12Was it right to put him thus into two schools of thought?
13There have been two schools of thought about Labour's political strategy since 1994.
14They're from two different schools of thought, in every sense of the word.
15There are different schools of thought in terms of cobbling a rack together.
16The re are today two schools of thought on foreign policy.
Translations for schools of thought