Output device for presentation of information in visual form.
Examples for "screen "
Examples for "screen "
1 Diplomatic sources say the application process helps Israel screen potential security threats.
2 Almost instantly, a new line of text scrolled across the security screen :
3 Each screen showed a different feed, a different point in the recording.
4 The new screen is described in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature.
5 The main view screen flickered and a million stars snapped into focus.
1 However, businesses and public transport operators must continue to display QR codes.
2 Despite the upbeat talk, deep political problems were on display in Washington.
3 And that creates a society in which people display no responsibility whatsoever.
4 Media agencies must think about how we approach, activate and measure display .
5 A glass display protected an ancient book, containing the key to power.
1 It's a growing trend: African-American female leads on prime time TV screens .
2 Flexible screens for consumer devices will appear in three years, they said.
3 Targeted HIV screens may help identify some risk-related concerns of drug-using offenders.
4 You need exceptional graphics processing, and the ability to power super-high-res screens .
5 Scant did not answer immediately, taking time to check all the screens .
1 For example, the following script displays all the system parameters under Tru64:
2 So far E Ink has focused on developing these large text displays .
3 The latter displays a slight reggae feel which is great to hear.
4 Such displays of collective 'wisdom' may explain the evolutionary success of termites.
5 MITSUBISHI -The carmaker displays the new Concept Global Small concept car.
1 CM exposure was measured using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, administered during the SCRN - OASIS study.
2 Objective: To describe the methods for assigning the cause of death for stillbirths enrolled in the Stillbirth Collaborative Research Network ( SCRN ) .
1 Here's a leaked photo of what this dual display device could look like.
2 Stating the obvious, it's important to emphasize here that a television is not a phone -it's a display device .
3 Wireless LCD cube This prototype Z-agon cubic video display device has six screens on each face of a small cube.
4 That should be left up to the display device , whether that display device is a page printer or a screen display device .
5 The Liquid Crystal Display Device segment provides passive liquid crystal display devices.
1 The Liquid Crystal Display Device segment provides passive liquid crystal display devices .
2 Heavy Electrical Systems segment provides turbine generators, large video display devices , as well as elevators.
3 Its AR wearable display devices are worn like eyeglasses or attach to a head worn mount.
4 It's rare anyone would buy an Apple Watch for its looks alone, so the display devices are essentially worthless.
5 Transparent and conductive film based electronics have attracted substantial research interest in various wearable and integrated display devices in recent years.
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