A person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible.
Examples for "rat"
Examples for "rat"
1It is bad enough in the open-butlike a rat-ina trap.
2A swamper from one of the worst rat holes in the port.
3Morris water maze tests were conducted for evaluating the rat's learning-memory ability.
4Cuba's rat-like little earth hutia has not been seen in 40 years.
5The cat and the rat have been enemies since the world began.
1We're the broth of boys that git in the ruction ivery toime.
2You cudden git more'n two people in the parish to do it.
3Yew'll know, boys, arter I'm gone, whether they git me er not.
4Then check out the current Linux patches from Jeremy Fitzhardinge's git repo:
5Them that lay an ambush sometimes git laid in an ambush theirselves.
1I remembered something Trapp had told me once about his bridge-bum days.
2The trim, khaki-garbed enlistment officer rubs elbows with the lodging house bum.
3Guess the lamp is on the bum, but you hardly need that.
4The law, missing the right quarry, descends on the slower-moving, harmless bum.
5I just couldn't resist giving him the bum's rush for a change.
1The skunk was brought to animal control after the rescue, reports said.
2Good on crackers but can function equally well as an amorous-skunk repellent.
3The sudden move sent the young skunk spinning backwards onto his tail.
4His remarks were as welcome as a skunk at a garden party.
5Upon reaching the poultry house, the skunk had encountered an unexpected difficulty.
1There was a crumb of comfort in the absence of the terrier.
2Neither the prosecutor's office nor the police showed a crumb of interest.
3There was more crust than crumb in the loaf he gave us.
4Heat Crisco until a crumb of bread becomes a golden brown in
5Fifteen minutes after the whistle had blown the last crumb had vanished.
1She knew she was going to puke, she just didn't know when.
2I'd rather puke my way up the coast on a cargo schooner!
3Soon it was assuring me that my story was puke, worthless cockshit.
4The first time he bent over to puke, I intended to pounce.
5Believe me, they will be happier than if you puke on them.
1Right behind the first rotter was a second, pushing its way higher.
2He and Horace always thought I was a rotter and an outsider.
3You make problems in here, and you'll be rotter shit before dawn.
4Nobody but a cad and a rotter would have done anything else.
5Was that why she was off giggling with that rotter Teasdale again?
1One year ago today, Wall Street came down with a stinker .
2The year brought joy, despite being a stinker in so many ways.
3It's 82 games and you can chalk one up to a stinker.
4Therefore there must exist a pre-eminently peerless stinker, and we call him God.
5The first half, in truth, was a bit of a stinker.
1You've been asleep ever since that lowlife Peter up and left you.
2And she, of course, fulfilled Beard's old fantasy of the grand lowlife.
3And there was the guy, the lowlife pusher who'd been holding Lindy.
4He was a lowlife with a repair shop that used all stolen parts.
5He quickly insisted it was some lowlife who must have been behind it.
1During that so-and-so Ahmadinjad's government, we were moving in a negative direction.
2I took a shot with him, and the what-happened-to-so-and-so routine set in.
3This is life as a relationship person: I'm hanging out with so-and-so.
4The photo of so-and-so on the cover of whatever it's called sucks.
5And if it's good enough for him it's so-and-so good enough for me.
1Paracelsus brought a squadron of stinkpot-flingers from the snowy mountains of Rhætia.
4"Stinkpot" she called it, when acknowledging foul elements in the composition and the harm it did to the unskilful balist.
1Just this: The O.R.& T. treated me like a dirty dog.
2If I knew the dirty dog, I would put a ball through him.
3He is rather a dirty dog, and his technique is so ridiculously transparent.
4There are always three main characters-the husband, the wife, and the dirty dog.
5A dirty dog is a nuisance not to be borne.
1Just some lucky guess by some scum bag who .
2Or I could start with another piece of wisdom: "watch your gear as some scum bag cannot wait to nick your stuff".
3He posted the following along with the video: Please share this video so the world can see these scum bags faces.
Translations for scum bag