A rhythmical work song originally sung by sailors.
Examples for "shanty"
Examples for "shanty"
1The shanty rocked in the wind like the cradle of a child.
2From the interior of the shanty behind there came a similar chorus.
3The answering voice was the voice of the man of the shanty.
4The Siner home was a three-room shanty about midway in the semicircle.
5The gnawing still went on behind the old shanty by the river.
1The chanty-man was a distinguished person whom it was impolitic to ignore.
2Strike up any sort of sailor's chanty when we're in the restaurant.
3After paying actual expenses, Mr. Stephen, however, handed the surplus to a chanty.
4A Japanese tune rises like a sailors' chanty from the band.
5For a quick pulling chanty we often use this one:
1Why don't you sing a chantey over me, I want to know?
2Gallowglass was crooning a sea chantey in the château's great hall.
3Jessie could hear the gay lilt of the chantey that heralded their coming:
4Young Jerry only was to be seen, sitting on the cabin step and singing the ancient chantey.
5I struck up the first verse of a sailor chantey as possessing at least the interest of novelty:
1Gallowglass was crooning a sea chantey in the château's great hall.
2"I don't remember," I replied; "it is a common enough deep- sea chantey."
3"Limber up and give us a good old deep- sea chantey!"
4"Chesapeake Bay sea chanteys-thecassette was in your truck."