HMO profile is determined by secretor status; however, their influence on milk microbiota is still uncovered.
Bernard was a secretor: his blood type could be found in his semen and his spit.
Conclusions: Maternal secretor status is associated with the human milk microbiota composition and is maintained during the first 4 weeks.
Susceptibility to disease has been associated with histo-blood group antigens and secretor status; nonsecretors are almost completely resistant to disease.
This study provides a basis for analysis of the influence of secretor state on host-parasite interaction in the urinary tract.
Specific associations between milk microbiota, HMO, and secretor status were observed, although the potential biological impact on the neonate remains elusive.
A comparable percentage of the secretor genotype for the Lewis blood group phenotype in both Burkinabe and Italian women was found.
Furthermore, saliva from secretor-positive and symptomatic patients but not from secretor-negative and asymptomatic individuals bound the norovirus strain responsible for that particular outbreak.
In an hour or so I should have a blood type, and I should know whether the person is a secretor or a nonsecretor.
Results: Fifty-seven persons were enrolled; 8 received placebo and an additional 8 persons were considered to be nonsusceptible on the basis of being secretor negative.
Further study of GII.17 outbreaks focusing on host susceptibility showed that the new GII.17 variant infected secretor individuals of A, B, O and Lewis types.
The frequency of secretors is, as usual, higher than that of nonsecretors in both the tribes.
HMO profile is determined by secretor status; however, their influence on milk microbiota is still uncovered.
Bernard was a secretor: his blood type could be found in his semen and his spit.
Conclusions: Maternal secretor status is associated with the human milk microbiota composition and is maintained during the first 4 weeks.
Susceptibility to disease has been associated with histo-blood group antigens and secretor status; nonsecretors are almost completely resistant to disease.